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Make a donation
  Posted on Mon 07 Dec 2009 by AndyM (10238 reads)

My XOOPS modules are provided free of charge and without unsightly promotional links in the user interface. So I ask that if you make use of my XOOPS modules, please consider making a donation.

Any donations made will help me continue to develop modules for XOOPS, and keep current modules compatible with further releases. Any amount is appreciated, and you are under no obligation to make a donation if you use one of my modules.

Please note that while any donation is appreciated, it is just that , a donation to say "thanks" for the hundreds of hours I have devoted to coding these modules, and not payment for services rendered, etc. So it does not entitle you to any further support or guarantee that my modules will continue.

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Please consider donating to help continued development of my XOOPs modules. Read more here.

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