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Articles v0.23a release
  Posted on Tue 19 Apr 2005 by AndyM (40686 reads)
Release v0.23a contains a few minor bug fixes, and some new options over v0.22.

Please note: please see docs/UPDATE.txt if you are updating from a previous version.

Changes since last public release (v0.22):

Posted by caption: This shows the username of the article's author, it is also a link to the author's userinfo page. This can be turned off in the preferences.

Article views: You can now disable article views count for admins, this is handy if you want to check an article without artificially inflating the count.

Category message: If there are no categories to add an article to, you will now be warned before you try adding an article.

Printable page: this feature can now be disabled from the preferences.

Pagebreak lable: Added "pagebreak" info caption to article form in admin.

Article listing cell widths: The cell widths for the article listing coule vary in Internet Explorer, changes have been made to try and prevent this.

The latest version of Articles can be downloaded from the download area here

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