AM Reviews - XOOPS2 review management module |
Posted on Sat 03 Feb 2007 by AndyM (12025 reads) |
What is AM Reviews?
AM Reviews is a module (some would call it a plugin) for the XOOPS content management system (CMS). It was written so that products, services or anything else that you can think of can be reviewed and rated by site webmasters and staff, as well as site visitors. Why? There is a lack of choice of review modules for XOOPS, with, I believe, only one module that appears is no longer in active development. Features The feature list is constantly changing, so this is by no means a full list.
Where can I get it? AM Reviews is not available for general download yet. However, preview "alpha" versions are available from here. Please remember that "alpha" versions are not intended for live/production sites and only for preview/testing. |
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