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Please be aware this support area is no longer used for supporting users. It is here for reference only, and for XOOPS CMS related info. If you are a Sirium user looking for support, please use the account/billing system (which has a knowledgebase and ticketing system) linked to in your welcome e-mail.

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Modules : Work on AM Events v2 begins
Posted by AndyM on 2010/10/10 23:40:00 (4880 reads)

Work on version 2 of AM Events has begun. This will be completely re-written from scratch.

With this in mind, I would appreciate it if you can submit any feature requests to the issue tracker at:

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Modules : AM Events module security alert
Posted by AndyM on 2008/2/22 2:01:35 (7078 reads)

It has come to light that there is a security issue with the AM Events XOOPS module. It is advised that you either disable the module, or at the very least, make sure you have the XOOPS Protector module installed, which should protect the module from attempted exploit.

A security fix will be released as soon as possible.

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Modules : Articles support, and security
Posted by AndyM on 2007/5/9 16:10:00 (4313 reads)

I'd like to remind people to please update their version of Articles to v1.03 if they have not already done so - this update includes an important security fix.

If you are at all worried about the security of your site, then the Protector module by Peak XOOPS is highly recommended.

I would write a security guide regarding XOOPS, but the chaps at XOOPS tips have already written a good one, so why reinvent the wheel? You can read it here.

Finally, I would like to state that I am dropping support for Articles for anything other than serious bugs (which is unlikely as it has proven to be quite bug free in general, this is only likely to be a problem with new versions of XOOPS) and security issues.

By all means, please ask in the forums if you have any questions about its use, or want to make modifications, etc., but please do not be insulted if they go unanswered by me. Direct e-mails to myself probably won't be answered either, unless I have time. I do not mean to be rude, but I am very busy with various things, plus I have 4 other modules that I am working on, and trying to get Articles v2 started, which will have loads of new features v1 does not have.

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Modules : AM Reviews status update
Posted by AndyM on 2007/4/9 16:01:55 (3661 reads)

Well, I've had to have a break from coding AM Reviews. I found that with the way I want to get the ratings feature working, I kept running into problems, and it was driving me up the wall. I needed to take a step back and go back to it with a clear head.

So, I've taken a break from it for a while.

And it doesn't help that my development server has gone down, so I'm unable to work on anything at present anyway. I've ordered new components for it, which should be here later in the week. Don't worry, the drives are okay, so no code has been lost.

Anyway, I apologise if the delay has caused disappointment.

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Modules : Articles XOOPS module support
Posted by AndyM on 2007/1/14 23:27:00 (4189 reads)

Before asking for support with regards to the Articles module, please ensure it is the Articles (please note the "s") module that you are using, and not the similarly named Article (no "s") module.

Despite the similar names and purpose for these modules, they are developed by two totally different people/organisations. So, before you request support, make sure you are at the right place and get the name correct when asking. If in doubt, refer to the included documentation as to how to request support - in the Articles module, this information can be found on the "about" page.

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