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Please be aware this support area is no longer used for supporting users. It is here for reference only, and for XOOPS CMS related info. If you are a Sirium user looking for support, please use the account/billing system (which has a knowledgebase and ticketing system) linked to in your welcome e-mail.

« 1 2 (3) 4 5 6 ... 9 » : Mail server update
Posted by AndyM on 2006/10/29 23:19:43 (3413 reads)

The reported mail server problem now seems to be resolved.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Posted by AndyM on 2006/10/29 22:11:21 (3154 reads)

There is currently a problem with the mail server - it appears to have been "broken" during an automatic update.

I'm currently looking into the problem, and hope to have it resolved as soon as possible.

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Modules : XOOPS 2.0.14+ and Modules status
Posted by AndyM on 2006/8/30 15:47:11 (3638 reads)

With the recent XOOPS 2.0.14 and 2.0.15 releases, there may be some compatibility issues.

I need to install these later versions of XOOPS on my test computer, but due to the fact that I'm currently overwhelmed with various tasks, this make take a while.

If you do identify a problem with Articles, AM Events, etc, could you please report them in their respective forums.

Read More... | 1 comment : Scheduled maintenance
Posted by AndyM on 2006/8/27 20:00:00 (3134 reads)

Visitors to and its hosted sites may experience a short period where sites will be unavailable.

This is to carry out scheduled maintenance to update Apache and PHP to the latest versions. The updates are being done for security and bug fix reasons. The web server has to be restarted to enable the changes to take affect.

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Modules : AM Reviews status update
Posted by AndyM on 2006/4/3 19:58:52 (3685 reads)

What's going on with AM Reviews?

I had started this module a long time ago, in fact before AM Events, but it has been a long hard road with many breaks along the way. I have recently come back to it and after some fiddling, have come to the conclusion that it's a complete and utter mess.

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